Why are vegetables and fruits shining in harsh colors?


The beneficial effects of beta-carotene, which is responsible for the orange color of vegetables and fruits, are widely known, but fewer people know, for example, that chlorophyll, which is responsible for the green color, has a purifying, detoxifying effect. Now is the opportunity to learn how to decode the colors so that next time we look around at a greengrocer, apples or cucumbers mean much more than a snack or sandwich topping.

Of course, we should also note that we should consume a selection of vegetables and fruits 5 times a day, taking care to go through the full range of white-green-yellow-orange-red-blue-purple vegetables and fruits. This is almost impracticable on a daily basis, so it is advisable to consume natural dietary supplements especially during the fall and winter.

Copyright: Mathieu Lavanchy 



White and brown vegetables and fruits are rich in organic sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and trace elements, have antioxidant effects, and fungi are excellent sources of protein and mineral selenium. Allicin, an essential oil of onion and garlic, has antibacterial and antifungal properties.

 If you trust the power of white fruits, consume these: white mulberries, bananas, pears, white nectarines, white apricots

 If you trust the power of white vegetables, consume these: parsley root, kohlrabi, cauliflower, celery, mushrooms, white onions, radishes, parsnips, garlic, white beans, fennel, potatoes, artichoke, ginger, white corn, jicama

 If you eat white fruits and vegetables, you can enjoy the following good qualities:

  • healthy cholesterol levels
  • healthy blood pressure levels
  • reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • reduce the chance of developing certain cancers
  • antibacterial, antifungal activity (bulbs/onions)
  • antioxidant effect

If white, we fight cancer and chronic disease and strengthen our immune system! Medicinal fungi such as Reishi or Shiitake can be excellent complementary therapies for radiation treatment, chemotherapy. They can help you withstand the unpleasant side effects of such treatments. The AHCC Shiitake Mushroom Extract contains Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and Folic Acid to protect the immune system. >>> Learn more!



The green color is caused by chlorophyll, while the greenish-yellow hues are lutein, zeaxanthin and xanthophyll. Indole compounds also play a role in the development of dark green hues. Green vegetables and fruits contain high levels of magnesium and folic acid, as well as vitamins C and K. If green, liver protection and detoxification!

 Eat these green fruits if you want yourself good: green apples, grapes, honey melons, kiwi, lime, gooseberry, green pear, avocado, rhubarb

 Eat these green veggies if you want yourself good: green bell peppers, asparagus, leeks, lettuce, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, peas, celery, spinach, sorrel, cucumber, zucchini, arugula, chard, Chinese cabbage, kale, green beans, green leafs of celery and parsley, algae

 If you eat green fruits and vegetables, you can enjoy the following good qualities:

  • the possibility of developing certain types of cancer is reduced
  • protection of bones and teeth
  • detoxifying, blood purifying effect
  • protection of the eyes (sight) and liver
  • energizing effect
  • immune boosting

If green, then cleansing, alkalizing! The UME SLIM dried Umeboshi plum with Lotus leaf, mulberry, and Puerh tea not only helps in slimming but also alkalizes. Eating 1 UME SLIM dried Umeboshi plum daily will not only provide natural help to dieters but will also help those suffering from congestive symptoms. >>> Learn more!



Yellow vegetables and fruits contain varying amounts of antioxidants such as vitamin C, carotenoids and bioflavonoids. The antioxidant, immune defective vitamin C is widely known, and less is known that the substance meconine in maize/corn reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer.

 If yellow, consume these fruits: lemon, grapefruit, pear, pineapple, yellow apple

If yellow, consume these vegetables: yellow bell pepper, cabbage, corn, yellow tomato, lemon yellow beet, yellow zucchini, yellow beans

 If you eat yellow fruits and vegetables you will enjoy the following good qualities:

  • immune boosting, antioxidant effect
  • reduce the likelihood of the development of certain cancers
  • healthy cholesterol levels
  • protection against cardiovascular disease
  • help the body fight diseases
  • promotion of cell regeneration
  • healthy eyes, healthy eyesight

 You can read the second part of the article about orange, red, blue or purple fruits and vegetables by clicking here.

Sources: AZ Health Zone, Elemental – Robert Roy Britt, MTI, Wikipédia
Photo: Richard Drury / Getty Images